Shelby VanRossum, MD
Shelby was a part of the first DDM lab group in 2015/2016. Her research at the time focused on the group’s exploration into risk taking and decision making among older adults. Shelby graduated from St. Norbert College in 2017 with a B.S. in Biology. She has since received her M.D. from the Medical College of Wisconsin in June of 2021 and is currently finishing up her family medicine residency in Appleton, WI. She has her attending physician position lined up with Prevea in Green Bay and she will start in August of 2024! Shelby’s time in the DDM lab helped her think critically about the research process. Additionally, her research helped her interact closely with older adults. She does this now everyday in her career! The DDM lab was an amazing opportunity for her to work with like minded students and learn more about how people make decisions. Her career as a physician often involves trying to understand why patients make the decisions they do. In her spare time, Shelby loves to read, do yoga, and play her flute for the community.